These are layouts I got done at Crop for a Cure.
Ping Pong Battles is from when we were at the shore last August. They have mini golf, ping pong and shuffleboard at our motel.
Paper is from CTMH. Not sure who the chipboard embellishments are from.
I rarely keep the packaging stuff comes in anymore and just store all my like embellishments together so I don't always remember who the mfg is for something.

This is also from our vacation last August. In the pool at our motel. That's my daughter Amanda and I. My husband took the photos.
Paper and tags are from My Mind's Eye from several years ago. (I recently went thru all my scrapbook supplies and am trying to use things I bought then hoarded!) The title is a fabric sticker, and the turtles, fish, and seahorse are stickers from Penny Black, also from a while back. The brads are from my stash.

Layout of my daughter's sleepover for her birthday this year. Paper is from 3 bugs in a rug. Buttons are from my stash. Title letters are Thickers.

Paper is from My Mind's Eye, title is Thickers.

My son's 17th birthday. I take a picture of them when they wake up on their birthday and give them their gifts. Pictures didn't turn out so great, but I had to use what photos I did get 'cause what 17 year old guy wants to sit there for their mom to get just the right shot when they just woke up!
Paper and stickers are Little Yellow Bicycle, 17 is Thickers.

My daughter has so many flip flops that we decided to document them all this year.
Not sure who paper is from. Letter stickers are Pink Paislee.
Not sure whose paper this is either. Flower and gems are from my stash and title letters are Thickers.